Monday, 6 January 2014

Computer basic for IBPS bank examination

What is computer?
Computer is an electronic device(machine) which takes raw data, process it and gives information in required format. It has the ability to store, retrieve, and process data. Computers are of two types as Digital and analog computers.
Computer is made up of basically two parts:
Hardware which is any physical part of your computer, such as the mouse, keyboard and monitor.
Software is computer program made up by set of instructions that tells the hardware about what to do. For example. Web browsers, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Window, Anti-virus and Game applications.
Basic input/output functional diagram of computer:

Computer is well known computing and accounting device now a days because of its properties and performance. Main characteristics of computer are high speed and high accuracy, also computer has different properties like high storage capability and versatility.

Generations of computer:
First generation: Use vacuum tubes, Big & Clumsy, (1940 to 1956)
Second generation: Use transistors, Core Memory developed (1956 to 1963)
Third generation: Use integrated circuits, Low power consumption (1964 to 1971)
Fourth generation: Use microprocessors, VLSI Technology used (Till date)
Fifth generation: Use artificial intelligence, Used for intelligent robots (Next)

Classification of computer:
Digital computers are available in different sizes and types. Basically the computers are classified into four categories.
1) Supercomputer: Fastest, can perform trillions of calculations per second.
2) Mainframe computers: multi-user, multi-programming, very high speed, very large storage capacity
3) Minicomputers: high storage capacity than the microcomputers, used in multi-user systems.
4) Microcomputers: small, Portable, low-cost and single-user digital computer. It is again classified in many different types as Desktop Computer or Personal Computer (PC),
Notebook Computers or Laptops, Tablet Computer, Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) or Handheld Computer, Smart Phones etc.

Applications of computer: Digital computer system is widely used in the world. It is used in Education, entertainment, research, sports, advertising, medicine, army, science and engineering, government applications, flight, railway reservation and artificial intelligence.

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